Professional Development: Questions & Answers

How does ACC define Professional Development?

Professional Development is the continuous process of acquiring new knowledge and skills that relate to one’s profession, job responsibilities, or work environment, and plays a key role in maintaining trained, informed and motivated employees regardless of job classification.

How is it measured?

Professional Development activities are measured in clock hours in accordance to the course type, including, but not limited to, the actual time spent receiving instruction, excluding time for breaks and meals.

Q: How many clock hours must employees complete?
A: All employees (including hourly and work-study employees) must complete the Mandatory and Compliance training

  1. All (full-time) staffing/faculty table employees will complete 12 clock hours per fiscal year
  2. All adjunct faculty will complete four clock hours
  3. All part-time (50 percent and 75 percent) staff employee requirements are addressed in the Procedures and Guidelines portion of formerly Administrative Rule 4.1100.01. (Refer to Board Policy DK for Professional Development)
  4. All employees must complete mandatory compliance training requirements

Q: How can I find out how many Professional Development hours I have completed?
A: To view your completed hours visit Workday Learn. (Log in to Workday.)

Q: How can supervisors view employees banked hours totals?
Supervisors can view comprehensive listing of all professional development credit by visiting Workday Learn. (Learn more about Workday.)

Q: What types of activities count toward the professional development requirement?
A: Professional development activities may include, but are not limited to, credit and non-credit courses, workshops, seminars, teleconferences. All activities must be approved by the employee’s supervisor. 

Q: Who is responsible for determining what counts?
A: The employee and his or her supervisor determine appropriate professional development activities. The supervisor has final approval authority.

Q: If our department has an idea for a professional development activity, must we have the topic approved by the Professional Development Office?
No, HR Professional Development Office need not approve or track (“enter PD credit”) for any activity. It is up to each supervisor to determine which activities count toward each individual’s professional development requirement and the responsibility of each department to track professional development and enter professional development credit for their employees.

Q: How is the completion of professional development activities recorded?
A: Prior to completing an activity, the employee should receive pre-approval from his or her supervisor. Upon completing the activity, the employee should submit to the supervisor documentation of completion which the supervisor deems appropriate. If the activity was an ACC-sponsored event, the employee’s attendance will automatically be entered into Workday by the event facilitator (instructor) or entered by the employee on Workday Talent and/or Learn. e.g. the ACC General Assembly; you may submit the agenda from the event to your supervisor as documentation of activity completion. If the activity was a non-ACC related event, the supervisor or department assistant will track the credit and in some cases enter the credit on the supervisor’s request.

Q. As a staff member, how do I receive professional development credit for activities I participate in outside of ACC? For example, what if I attend a conference related to my position?
A. You may submit those activities to your supervisor for approval. Be sure to include how much time was spent doing each activity as well as the agenda for the event that was attended.

Q: Is the completion of the requirement tied to salary?
A: Completing the professional development requirement is no longer tied to step increases or stipends; rather, it is tied to evaluation.

Q: Is the completion of the requirement tied to my annual performance evaluation?
A: Yes, completion is tied to annual performance evaluations. The professional development activities selected for the coming academic year should be discussed during the annual evaluation process, should be directly linked with that process and should support the employee’s continued professional and career growth. Activities should be outlined in an annual professional development plan. Completion of professional development will be reviewed as part of the subsequent year performance evaluation.

Q: What are the deadlines for completion?
A: The required hours must be completed between September 1 and August 31 of each year.

Q. I completed a credit course this year. How does that apply to my professional development (PD)?
A. Your supervisor needs to approve if the class is relevant to your position. PD hours are awarded based on the credit hours assigned to the class.

Q: What are the requirements for ADA and SHP?
Austin Community College District uses Workday for many HR tasks. ACC requires employees to participate in professional development opportunities that will enhance their abilities, provide job-related knowledge, improve their productivity and efficiency, and prepare them for higher-level positions. This commitment to growth is demonstrated by the fact that professional development is incorporated into the Performance Excellence Program (PEP) as a performance framework used by ACC for non-faculty positions.

Austin Community College follows the guidelines outlined in Chapter 21, Section 21.010 (Employment Discrimination Training for State Employees) of the Texas Labor Code with regard to training about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Sexual Harassment Prevention. In accordance with these guidelines all ACC employees shall receive employment discrimination prevention training that includes information about ACC’s policies and procedures relating to employment discrimination and sexual harassment. New employees shall be required to attend the training program no later than the 30th day after the date of employment and employees shall attend supplemental training every two years. 

Q: I teach/work at another institution, Can I use my Employment Discrimination and Harassment certificate from my institution?
No. An employee of the college must complete the mandatory requirements provided by ACC. The information provided in the modules pertains to the college’s policy, procedure, as well as demonstrates to the employee what resources are available to them at the college. 

Q. Are all ACC supervisors and employees required to complete HIPAA (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act) training?
A. Yes. Check with your supervisor as some departments are required to complete specific trainings. For precaution, All employees should complete the training within the first year of employment.

Q: Who staffs your office?
Connect with HR staff.

**Please contact Staff Development and Evaluations to verify most up to date information regarding Board Policy on Professional Development and Workday Learn PD tracking.

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