adobe creative cloud

Adobe Creative Cloud at ACC

Austin Community College is FIRST community college in the nation designated an Adobe Creative Campus.

Adobe Creative Cloud is available to ACC faculty, staff, and students at no-to-minimal cost. This suite of products gives you unlimited access to industry-leading creation tools for graphic design, video editing, and web development such as Photoshop, Illustrator, XD, Premiere Pro, Spark and more. With Adobe Creative Cloud, you get access the latest updates, new features, apps, and services as soon as they are released.

Important: Photography should feature actual ACC students, faculty, and staff. Limit stock photography to objects and concepts, unless there is no alternative. Contact the Office of Communications and Marketing if you need photos of students, alumni, faculty, or staff.

Pricing Information

  • Students enrolled in courses that require the use of Adobe Creative Cloud are eligible to purchase licenses at a substantial discount of $10 per semester. Click here to view a list of courses that require Adobe Creative Cloud.
  • Students not enrolled in courses that require Adobe Creative Cloud can purchase a semester-based license for $50 per semester.
  • Faculty and staff may obtain their licenses at no cost. Employee licenses must be renewed every year.

Student Adobe licenses are now available for the Fall 2024 semester.

Adobe Creative Cloud FAQs

Who is eligible?

Faculty and Staff: Adobe Creative Cloud is available to full-time staff and faculty at no cost.
Students: Students enrolled in courses that require the use of Adobe Creative Cloud are eligible to purchase licenses at a substantial discount of $10 per semester. Students not enrolled in courses that require Adobe Creative Cloud can purchase a semester-based license for $50 per semester.

Note: Students must have claimed their official ACC email address before attempting to purchase Adobe at a discount rate.

Can I install this on ACC-owned devices and personally-owned (non-ACC) devices?

How do I get this software?

How do I qualify for a discounted rate?

What are the computer hardware requirements to run Adobe Creative Cloud products?

Is there a limit to how many computers I can install my Adobe Creative Cloud apps?

Can I convert my ACC Adobe account to a personal Adobe account?

I have my own personal Creative Cloud subscription. Is it possible to terminate my contract without penalty?

Adobe Stock FAQs

What is Adobe Stock?

“Adobe Stock is a service that provides designers and businesses with access to millions of high-quality curated and royalty-free photos, videos, illustrations, vector graphics, 3D assets, and templates for all their creative projects.” — FAQ | Adobe Stock Basics

In other words, Adobe Stock allows faculty, staff, and students to access and use stock images, video, templates, and other digital assets.

Do I have access to Adobe Stock?

How do I view the Adobe Stock library?

How do I download assets from Adobe Stock?

Is there another way to reuse / see assets that have already been redeemed by the College?

What are the licensing requirements for Adobe Stock assets?

Are there any special requirements for using 3D models, lights, and materials from Adobe Stock?

Help and Support

Adobe Creative Cloud “Activation Limit Reached” or “Sign-in Failed” error?

If you have tried to use the app on more than two computers, you will encounter this error. To activate an app on a third computer, you must first sign out from the app on one of the two other computers and deactivate any Creative Cloud apps and/or services that are associated with your Adobe ID.For more information on how to sign out, see Creative Cloud “Activation Limit reached” or “Sign-in failed” error.

Do students and employees have to uninstall the software after they graduate and leave the college?

Is there a limit to the number of logins or installs for Adobe mobile apps?

Who should I contact if I am having issues with installing Adobe or redeeming my ACC Adobe license?

How do I migrate Creative Cloud content which I’ve already created from a different account?

Do I need a subscription to use Adobe applications on ACC public computers?


Are training resources available?

Yes, you can find them listed below: